Thursday, August 28, 2014

Bull Willow Celebration

6 miles up Flat Creek Road lies the gate and the the Gate Keeper. The Gate Keeper is a large young bull moose. It was not uncommon for this moose to be drinking in the middle of Flat Creek in the late afternoon and evening. So one Monday afternoon in July, as I approached the gate riding my bike on my way down to fly fish, I was bummed to not see the Gate Keeper standing in the river. My discontentment was quickly diminished as I turned the corner in the road to find the large bull parked not 15 yards in front of me. I quickly came to a stop not wanting to startle the moose. As I gazed at him, he turned his head and looked back at me. Only for a moment, then returned his attention to the willow bow he was eating. After a few more minutes of sitting there watching, I remembered my original goal of fishing. With a few firm claps, the bull was startled back to the safety of the far creek, and I was able to pass down the road. One last glance was exchanged before turning the corner.

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