Friday, August 29, 2014


Greetings all,

View across Flat Creek Lake
My name is Jacob Bass and I and a Junior at Northern Michigan University. I hale from Waconia, Minnesota, a good size town West of the Twin Cities about 35 min. I enjoy to ski, mountain bike, play hockey and lacrosse. Really anything that will get me out and about,exploring where I am. I traveled to Jackson, WY this summer for work at Flat Creek Ranch, and it was a truly and amazing experience. FCR is a small ranch 15 miles into the mountains to the north east of Jackson.

Skiing In the Teton Range, Grand in the back ground
My time at Northern is spent in the Education program, where I have a focus in science. I was drawn to teaching because of the possibilities that it holds, the lives that I can impact and of coerce to make those piles of money... ha not. My dream position would be to teach at Teton Science School in Jackson.

I look forward to tracking my experiences while in MSED and the rest of my education. Thanks for coming along for the ride.

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