Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Dead or Alive?

What is Alive?
  • Ability to grow
  • Ability to reproduce
  • Ability to sense & respond to stimuli
  • Ability to obtain and use energy
  • Homeostatic being
As a class we did a pretty good job coming up with all of the basic characteristics of a living thing. Now time to put them to the test. After gathering living things from outside, we put them in a bag and supplied them with all the things we thought that they needed to live (such as water and air). After sealing the bag with everything inside we placed them in the window sill to hopefully grow. 

Coming back a week latter I would say that our group did a good job at keeping our plants, beans, and bugs alive, and then some. Mostly everything that happened we expected, except for the large amount of mold growth. That was a nice smelly surprise when the bag was opened up. I think the most interesting growth observed was how the pop corn sprouted its roots into the cotton ball.

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