Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Think like a Mountian

Sleeping Indian Mnt., Jackson, WY (Photo Cred: Gerrit Bass)
As humans we try to play the good guys. We try to save the deer by killing the predators. But do we look at he bigger picture? In Leopold's "Think Like a Mountain" he brings this idea to life with his artful writing style. He shows that he once tried to eradicate the bullies or the mountain side but then saw the situation in a lager field of view. Like the mountain, that is above all and has been here longer than anything else, sees everything in the bigger picture. Leopold shares his view, and then leaves it up to the reader wither or not they will see life narrowly, or like a mountain, looking down from high above at the world below.

In "Think Like a Mountain" the part about shooting the wolf made me uncomfortable. I am not supportive of the wolf hunt for extermination. Yes, I believe that it needs to be kept in check, but not exterminated. This could be done by permitted hunting.The wolf is a vital part of the population pyramid. Without the wolf to balance out the secondary consumer population, they explode and reek havoc on the shrubbery of the mountain side, or what ever ecosystem they are present in. I think the idea of thinking like a mountain is very unique, and interesting. Seeing things in the bigger picture is an important idea to keep in mind.

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